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Worship Ministries


At Christ Church and St. Barnabas Chapel

we seek worship that honors the Episcopal

tradition and feeds the spiritual soul with

prayers, sacrament and music.  We encourage

all parishioners to be a part of this worship

through any of the worship ministries of the



  • Acolytes

  • Crucifers

  • Lectors 

  • Chalice Bearers

  • Ushers





Altar Guild

The Christ Church and St. Barnabas Chapel altar guild works
to prepare the altar for worship services, including baptisms,
confirmations, weddings, and funerals.  The altar guild is also
responsible for the care of vestments, altar hangings, linens,
candles, silver / brass, and flowers.  The contact person for
Altar Guild is Kitty Clovis at Christ Church and Nancy Cotten
or Kipp Martin at St. Barnabas Chapel.





Ushers assist with seating, distribute the worship bulletins,
and guide parishioners to communion.  The contact
person for ushers is Lyle Blake at Christ Church
and Nancy Cotten at St. Barnabas Chapel. 
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A crucifer in training

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